19 Jan 2015
Ebola is harder to catch than you think in countries outside the three main outbreak countries, namely Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Ebola may dominate the news, but you’re more likely to be struck by lightning than to catch Ebola. Unlike influ...
Tags: Video, Communicable Disease
20 Apr 2017
Through the Inclusive Community Resilience (ICR) initiative, GFDRR taps into grassroots expertise in disaster risk management and promotes scalable models that engage directly with communities, making them equal partners with governments. In the even...
Tags: Guidance material, Research, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment
23 Sep 2015
This brief animation produced in partnership with USAID’s Digital Development Lab explores the issue of access to mobile devices in terms of connectivity, affordability, and more.
Tags: Video, Mobile Technology