Case Study: Zambia Floods Early Action Protocol Activation

This case study highlights the Zambia Red Cross Society’s (ZRCS) activation of its Early Action Protocol (EAP) for riverine floods in January 2023. Developed with support from the Netherlands Red Cross, the EAP uses predictive tools like GloFAS to trigger anticipatory actions aimed at reducing flood risks. Following alerts for Kitwe and Kafue districts, ZRCS implemented early actions, including community sensitization, safe haven identification, and the distribution of essential items such as mosquito nets and water treatment supplies. These efforts minimized the impact of floods on vulnerable communities.

The study also evaluates the synergy between ZRCS’s anticipatory actions and its Preparedness for Effective Response (PER) approach. It underscores the importance of coordination, prepositioned resources, and community engagement in strengthening disaster readiness. Key lessons and recommendations from this activation aim to enhance future anticipatory and emergency responses.

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