Characteristics of a Safe and Resilient Community

This research report draws on the experience of the TRP CBDRR programmes and current literature in order to identify the ‘characteristics of safe and resilient
communities; to understand how these characteristics changed over time and how
RCRC interventions have contributed to this change’.It is intended that the characteristics arising from this research will be used in the design, monitoring and evaluation of future programmes. A first step towards this is the lessons learned report which provides a further output from this study.

A safe and resilient community…
1. …is knowledgeable and healthy. It has the ability to assess, manage and monitor its risks. It can learn new skills and build on past experiences
2. …is organised. It has the capacity to identify problems, establish priorities and act.
3. …is connected. It has relationships with external actors who provide a wider supportive environment, and supply goods and services when needed.
4. …has infrastructure and services. It has strong housing, transport, power, water and sanitation systems. It has the ability to maintain, repair and renovate them.
5. …has economic opportunities. It has a diverse range of employment opportunities, income and financial services. It is flexible, resourceful and has the capacity to accept uncertainty and respond (proactively) to change.
6. …can manage its natural assets. It recognises their value and has the ability to protect, enhance and maintain them.

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