12 May 2014
In 2001, disaster preparedness delegates from the IFRC and staff from different National Societies defined the characteristics of a well-prepared National Society. Their aim was to prepare a simple tool for disaster preparedness planning. This docume...
Tags: Guidance material
02 Dec 2014
UNICEF offices and sector partners in Ebola-affected and at-risk countries are increasingly requesting guidance on WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) services provision in Ebola Care Centre and Units. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention ...
Tags: Guidance material, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
29 Apr 2021
Communities worldwide have greater opportunities for growth and connectedness than ever before; yet the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is rapidly increasing, especially in coastal cities, leading to increased risk an...
Tags: Guidance material, Community Engagement and Accountability, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness