Communicating Climate Change: A Practitioner’s Guide

Climate & Development Knowledge Network’s (CDKN) guide to communicating climate change offers tips for practitioners to effectively communicate climate change and climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions, with a focus on convincing people of the need for immediate action. 

The guide’s geographic focus is on climate communications in the Global South and draws from CDKN’s experience in South Asia, Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean.  It is intended to assist practitioners working nationally and locally in developing countries.

The guide provides strategies for effective communication campaigns, digital outreach and social media, and other forms of public engagement.  It also offers guidance for reaching and communicating with different kinds of audiences – including government, the business community, and the general public.

This initial guide is a discussion draft, which aims to stimulate discussion about what works well.  Readers are invited to share their own experiences, tips, and other comments by writing to CDKN at:


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