Communities’ Awareness and Perception of Natural Hazards in Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia, 2014, Jimma University

This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by Jimma University, Ethiopia in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Resilience Institute and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center


Natural and human-induced hazards and associated disasters continue to pose a serious threat to Ethiopia, mainly because of widespread vulnerability and climate change. The purpose of this study was to assess the level of awareness of rural communities about the most common hazards and their perceptions of their risk, vulnerability, and resilience. The study employed a community-based cross-sectional survey. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. A sample of 661 household heads were interviewed using an interviewer-administered structured questionnaire. Ten key informants were also interviewed using interview guides. The level of awareness of the communities about common natural and manmade disasters was high, but their level of preparedness for future disasters was low.

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