20 May 2014
Report from a workshop on scaling up urban and community resilience held by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) in March 2014. The workshop brought together practitioners from American Red Cross chapters and national and internation progr...
Tags: Report, Urban Preparedness
25 Feb 2023
The GDPC and the American Red Cross noticed a gap in youth preparedness resources when it comes to teens, where preparedness resources are often curated for adult or child audiences, which leaves teens (ages 13-19) under engaged and underprepared. To...
Tags: Game, Disability Inclusive Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Preparedness Games, Hazard, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Youth Disaster Preparedness
12 Feb 2019
Mongolian Red Cross Society (MRCS) has been implementing a community-based disaster risk reduction project since 2014, with support from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Australian Red Cross. The h...
Tags: Case Study, Risk Assessment