12 May 2014
Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) is a process that involves weighing expected project costs against the expected benefits in order to choose the most cost-effective option. It is increasingly being used in the world of disaster risk reduction, both to d...
Tags: Guidance material
21 Oct 2020
Corrugated Galvanized Iron or Steel (CGI or CGS) sheets are at present the best known, most widely available low-cost roof covering material. There is an enormous variety of qualities of CGI sheets on the market, greatly varying in the different regi...
Tags: Guidance material, Manual, Research, Infrastructure and Services, Livelihoods and Food Security, Shelter
10 Jan 2017
The Road Map to Community Resilience has been developed by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to guide Red Cross / Red Crescent National Society staff and volunteers and their operational partners, who want to...
Tags: Guidance material, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management