27 Apr 2015
As the investment in cash transfer programming (CTP) continues to grow, the focus is turning to the need to do more, do it faster and do it better. As a result, the consideration of integrating cash into preparedness and contingency plans is being ra...
Tags: Guidance material
30 Jun 2020
COVID-19 is a public health emergency with multiple direct and indirect impacts on children’s protection, well-being, and development, both in the short- and longterm. For example, the closure of schools, confinement, and reductions in food securit...
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
13 Nov 2013
When disasters strike, Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers are often among the first to provide relief to the victims. But in most cases, we can save more lives and reduce more suffering if we can act before a disaster.We have known for decades now t...
Tags: Guidance material