31 Mar 2021
Different guidance material in FRENCH covering the topic of Radiation protection and nuclear from different regions / countries / organisations. The publications cover the basics of radiation protection to different in depth explanations and also pro...
Tags: Guidance material, Manual, Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
06 Nov 2013
In order to reduce the enormous destructive potential of landslides and to minimise the consequential losses, it is necessary that the hazard must first be recognised, the risk analysed and an appropriate strategy developed at the national leve...
Tags: Guidance material, Early Warning Systems, Landslide, Urban Preparedness
10 May 2021
National-Society-Response-to-Covid-19-in-Urban-Areas-Final Literature-Review-Learning-on-Epidemics Learning from Local Responders to Guide Future Epidemic & Pandemic Responses in Urban Areas This study on Responding to COVID-19 in Urban Environme...
Tags: Guidance material, Report, Research, Communicable Disease, Community Engagement and Accountability, Urban Preparedness