03 Dec 2024
À propos de la Boîte à Outils Cette boîte à outils a été préparée conjointement avec les équipes de la PIROI (La Réunion/Mayotte), le pôle de la Direction des Relations et Opérations Internationales de la Croix-Rouge française, la Croix...
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, Other type of resource, Training material, Disaster Preparedness Games, Public Awareness and Public Education, Youth Disaster Preparedness
06 Apr 2015
This guide contains instructions and tools for mobilizing the community to engage with and carry out local American Red Cross Home Fire Preparedness Campaign activities. Specifically, this guide focuses on how to develop a coalition of partners by al...
Tags: Guidance material, Communication As Aid, Public Awareness and Public Education
31 Oct 2013
By understanding their special evacuation needs, people with mobility impairments and first responders can improve their chances of evacuating their workplace or home safely. This brochure will emphasize the evacuation protocol for wheelchair user...
Tags: Guidance material, House Fire