30 Oct 2013
The report summarizes some of the presentations given at the 11. Forum Katastrophenvorsorge, 18.-19. January, 2011, in Potsdam/Germany. Link to document http://www.dkkv.org/DE/links/ressource.asp?ID=312
Tags: Report, Flood, Hurricane / Typhoon / Cyclone, Tornado, Volcano
07 Mar 2016
The aim of the study is to increase disaster resilience by using mobile technologies to ensure citizens play an active role in disaster management. It addresses the implementation of mobile based disaster management systems based on a study case in I...
Tags: Case Study, Mobile Technology, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment
19 Dec 2022
Social distancing had remained a permanent feature among the measures recommended to the public by the health authorities. The Norwegian Red Cross (NorCross) wanted to gain insight into the psychosocial consequences of social distancing by asking the...
Tags: Report, Livelihoods and Food Security