02 Jun 2017
POLITICAS GLOBALES APLICABLES A TODOS CRUZ ROJA Y MEDIA LUNA ROJA A continuación se comparte las políticas globales de la Cruz Roja y Media Luna Roja aplicables a todos, como referencia para las Sociedades Nacionales y los demás actores del Movim...
Tags: Other type of resource
28 Mar 2023
Community Brigades are organized groups of people dedicated to building resilience and strengthening local capacities in the face of flooding, as well as other emergencies and disasters. Establishing the identity of a brigade is key to formalizing th...
Tags: Other type of resource, Community Engagement and Accountability, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
14 Feb 2019
With the Universal App Program, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) has created a platform to facilitate the adaptation and localization of mobile applications (apps) with first aid and hazard information to be used in countries across t...
Tags: Other type of resource