Decisions for the Decade Game

In Decisions for the Decade, each participant is a provincial governor and small teams make up the governing body of a nation. All participants begin the game with a budget of ten beans (for a ten-year cycle), and seek to maximize the prosperity of their province and country by investing their budget in long-term development. However, floods and droughts can threaten this investment, and governors may choose to allocate a portion of their budget to disaster protection to avoid humanitarian crises. After three ten-year cycles, the winning country is the team with fewst crises, and the winning provinces are the players in that team that have accrued the most Prosperity Points. Importantly, unknown to the players, the object representing rainfall is changed each new decade. As with actual climate projections for much of the world, different players formulate very different interpretations of whether future conditions are likely to become wetter or drier, and as a team they have a chance to reflect on how to manage the emergent deep uncertainty.

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