02 Apr 2015
A look at the use of communications technology during disasters in recent years shows that while it has played a positive role, its full potential has not yet been realized. Moreover, governments, humanitarian agencies, and local communities face ch...
Tags: Report, Communication As Aid, Early Warning Systems, Mapping and Geospatial Data, Mobile Technology
22 Oct 2020
The Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force was established to determine how we can achieve a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This report sets out their collective vision for a green and just recovery and our shared princip...
Tags: Guidance material, Report, Research, Climate Change Adaptation, Urban Preparedness
25 Sep 2013
يرى هذا التقرير أن ممارسة إدارة مخاطر الكوارث هي إحدى السمات المحددة للمجتمعات القادرة على الصمود ومجابهة الكوارث ومن ثمّ فإنه ينبغي دمج...
Tags: Report, Earthquake, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management