Different. Just like you: A psychosocial approach promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities: Training guide

This training guide supports a one-day training workshop based on the handbook of the same name. It is aimed at professionals and volunteers who are interested in planning psychosocial activities that include persons with disabilities. The main goal of the training is to create awareness of the importance of psychosocial support and inclusion in promoting the well-being of persons with disabilities. The training seeks to enable participants to identify barriers to participation in psychosocial activities, and to give them the tools for setting up psychosocial activities that include persons with disabilities.

The training guide includes a detailed hour-by-hour plan, list of needed materials, key terms and vocabulary, activity cards and an evaluation form. The training can be delivered as a one-day workshop or included as part of a longer programme, such as a basic training in psychosocial support.

The Psychosocial Centre is hosted and supported by Red Cross in Denmark and supported by The Canadian Red Cross Society, Finnish Red Cross, French Red Cross, Icelandic Red Cross, International Federation Tsunami Unit, Japanese Red Cross Society, Norwegian Red Cross and Swedish Red Cross.
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