01 Jun 2015
Training to build understanding of psychosocial recovery to support those working in varied roles in disaster recovery. This training was originally inspired by the need among personnel working on the ground post-earthquake in Christchurch, New Zeala...
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Post-Disaster Recovery
06 Apr 2021
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of soft and flexible fibers that are resistant to heat, electricity and corrosion. These qualities make the mineral useful, but they also make asbestos exposure highly toxic. Asbestos is an effective...
Tags: Awareness material, Training material, Community Engagement and Accountability
11 Dec 2024
The Coastal City Resilience and Extreme Heat Action Project (CoCHAP) Fact Sheet outlines the progress and objectives of this initiative led by the IFRC with funding from USAID/BHA and technical support from the American Red Cross and the RCRC Climate...
Tags: Awareness material, Briefs and Fact Sheets, Climate Change Adaptation, Community Engagement and Accountability, Flood, Heat Wave, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness