Disaster Management Preparedness Guide for Southeastern United States

Facing and enduring a natural disaster such as a hurricane, flood, or tornado can be a frightening and challenging experience. It’s also a fact of life for most people who live in the Southeast United States.

During times of disaster, it’s important to know where to go for accurate, up-to-date, and helpful information. The following guide is designed to help you navigate a natural disaster safely and knowledgeably by providing a preliminary list of reputable and reliable resources from government agencies and other organizations well-versed in disaster management. It focuses on three common types of natural disasters that occur in the Southeast: hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes.

Learn more by examining this Disaster Management Prepareness Resource Guide here.

Southeast Disaster Management Preparedness

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Related Resources

21 Nov 2014
On July 16, as part of the Mobile Economy Project, the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings hosted a discussion on mobile technology and its evolving role in disaster and public safety.  Read the related paper here: http://goo.gl/puXmU  
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Guidance material
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Case Study
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