Disaster Response: Mobile Money for the Displaced

Advances in mobile technology have opened up new opportunities, not only for communication, but also for using the mobile handset as a platform for a range of applications. The introduction of data transfer facilities and the rise of mobile financial
services around the world have allowed mobile money services to evolve and grow rapidly. At the same time, cash is increasingly being used as a form of humanitarian assistance, either as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, the provision of food or other items. Sensing the potential of mobile technology to make cash transfers more targeted, cost-efficient and rapid, the humanitarian community has begun partnering with mobile money service providers as part of their emergency response to support communities affected by conflict, disasters, and food insecurity.

This report examines the use of mobile money, and discusses the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the impact of mobile money on refugees and IDPs in the future.

GSMA, 2014

Disaster Response: Mobile Money for the Displaced

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