Disaster Scope

Disaster Scope is an augmented reality (AR) application which contains flooding and fire smoke simulations built by Itamiya laboratory, an organisation lead by Dr Tomoki Itamiya, a professor at Aichi University of Technology (Japan). Itamiya laboratory specialise in image processing and computer graphics technology, and have been working in the immersive technologies space for the last ten years.

Disaster Scope can superimpose a virtual disaster situation such as flooding with de- bris and smoke in the actual scene where the user is located, by using a smartphone and low-cost paper viewer. With the aim of improving awareness and people’s understanding of disaster risk, the Disaster Scope has been used alongside a one hour DRR lecture in evacuation drills organized by public schools and municipalities in Japan. With an estimated time of three minutes per user experience, up to 500 school students can be trained per day by using a total of ten smartphone + AR viewer kits which are available for purchase or rental from the Lab.

This case study is part of the research paper: “Immersive technologies & digital games for school disaster preparedness.” Find out more on the topic page (link below).

Disaster Scope – video demo, Immersive technologies & digital games for school disaster preparedness
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXAuPhmD_a0q1Q2f_Qtg0uw/videos, https://preparecenter.org/topics/immersive-technologies-digital-games

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