Disseminating flood key messages via radio in Mozambique

With the aim of strengthening community resilience and reducing the impact of floods, the Mozambique Red Cross, together with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), formed part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance between 2021 and 2024

The Mozambique Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha de Moçambique – CVM) increased awareness of risk via the dissemination of radio spots on how to prevent and prepare for floods. These key messages were developed in coordination with local authorities and National Institute of Disaster Management (INGD) and were disseminated via regional radio stations and local loudspeakers.

ZFRA_Mozambique-radio spots

Audios were disseminated in Portuguese as well as local languages including Ndao, Cindau, and Cena to ensure widespread accessibility to the information especially in rural areas where majority of the population do not speak Portuguese. Risk awareness activities were prioritized during the rainy season when this information was most valuable and urgent to the local population.

Learn more about the flood resilience work in Mozambique here.

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