Draft National Risk Assessment 2015 (Ireland)

The Government of Ireland has published the draft National Risk Assessment 2015 – Overview of Strategic Risks.

This sets out a draft list of strategic risks, both financial and non-financial, which Ireland faces, with a view to stimulating public debate on those risks and what are the appropriate responses.

The Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, said that ‘this Government has a duty to ensure that the ill fortunes which Ireland has experienced never re-occur. We must do this by being open to the future, scanning the horizon to ensure that we are quick to detect any event that could undo us if left unchecked’.

The draft list of risks has been prepared following collaboration across Government Departments and an Open Policy Debate involving invitees from academic, civic society and public service sectors.

Risks have been classified under the following headings: (i) economic, (ii) environmental, (iii) geo-political, (iv) social,(v) technological.

– See more at: http://www.taoiseach.gov.ie/eng/Publications/Publications_2015/Draft_Nat…


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