14 Oct 2019
Disaster Scope is an augmented reality (AR) application which contains flooding and fire smoke simulations built by Itamiya laboratory, an organisation lead by Dr Tomoki Itamiya, a professor at Aichi University of Technology (Japan). Itamiya laborato...
07 Mar 2015
Since 2011, the Partners for Resilience (PfR) alliance in Nicaragua has been promoting a comprehensive approach to the issues of disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA) and ecosystem management and restoration (EMR). This initi...
Tags: Case Study, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
07 Nov 2013
Four Steps to prepare your household for people with a disability their families and carers is an information and guided activity booklet is for people living with disability, their carers and families. The booklet is all hazards in focus and aims to...
Tags: Awareness material, Public Awareness and Public Education