Financing Vietnam’s Response to Climate Change: Building a Sustainable Future

Financing Vietnam’s Response to Climate Change: Building a Sustainable Future Key Finding Sand Recommendations of the Climate Public expenditures and investment Review Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment The  Government  of  Vietnam  (GoV)  has  conducted  a  Climate  Public  Expenditure  and  Investment  Review (CPEIR)  with  the  support  of  the  World  Bank  and  the  United  Nations  Development  Programme  (UNDP).  The review  examined  Vietnam’s  policies  and  climate  change  expenditure  for  the  period  2010–2013  from  five  ministries (MONRE, MOIT, MARD, MOC, and MOT) and three provinces (Bac Ninh, Quang Nam and An Giang). To assess the public expenditure and improve alignment with policy goals and targets, a Typology of Climate Change Response Expenditures (TCCRE) was developed. This typology was used to classify the government’s spending on its climate change response into three pillars: (i) Policy and Governance (PG), (ii) Scientific, Technological and Societal Capacity (ST), and (iii) Climate Change Delivery (CCD). The typology also examined how expenditure within each pillar and in each sector is relevant to Vietnam’s climate change response (CC-response).

Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment, World Bank Group, and UNDP.

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