09 May 2018
These Principles and Rules recognize the importance of strengthening organizational, coordination and delivery capacities of National Societies, to respond to the increasing number and complexity of disasters and the growing number of vulnerable ...
Tags: Guidance material
27 Oct 2013
A set of tips on drought preparedness put together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the United States. While many of the tips may be US specific, some can be readily adapted to other country contexts. FEMA. http://www.ready.gov/drought h...
Tags: Guidance material, Drought
07 Dec 2014
This publication, a supplement to the previously published “Public awareness and education for disaster risk reduction: a guide”, is offered as a tool for practitioners internationally to use in a consensus-building validation process. Na...
Tags: Guidance material, Communicable Disease, Earthquake, Flood, Hurricane / Typhoon / Cyclone, Public Awareness and Public Education, Wildfire