07 Apr 2015
Are we, as a nation, prepared for a radiological or nuclear attack? With concern over continued terrorist threats at home and abroad, “dirty bombs”, and the nuclear armament of rogue states, this question is just as relevant today as it w...
Tags: Video, Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
11 Jan 2023
Anticipatory action (AA) is a growing area of climate and disaster risk management that emphasizes the use of climate services and risk analyses to predict where crises might strike and enable action to prevent or mitigate impacts before disasters oc...
Tags: Research, Climate Change Adaptation
23 Aug 2022
En octubre y noviembre del 2020, en México, una serie de frentes fríos y dos ciclones detonaron graves inundaciones en los estados de Chiapas, Tabasco y Veracruz. En el estado de Tabasco, durante el mes de noviembre, se registró una importante pre...
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems, Flood, Infrastructure and Services, Post-Disaster Recovery, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management