08 Aug 2017
In developing countries the agriculture sector absorbs 23 percent of the total damage and losses. Between 2005 and 2014, approximately USD 93 billion was lost in crop and livestock production due to natural hazards and disasters in developing coun...
Tags: Report, Drought, Early Warning Systems, Earthquake, Flood, Heat Wave, Livelihoods and Food Security, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
22 Sep 2017
“Update on OASIS EM TC Work”presented September 21, 2017by Elysa Jones
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems
07 May 2014
This guide has been developed to specifically support Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and IFRC staff to more systematically integrate risk reduction measures into their planning. By describing in detail what key issues need to be considered and ...
Tags: Guidance material, Climate Change Adaptation