14 Aug 2013
The latest in a series of bi-annual studies on the world’s cities. This edition uses the framework of ‘The Urban Divide’ to analyze the complex social, political, economic and cultural dynamics of urban environments. State of the Worldâ...
Tags: Report, Urban Preparedness
19 May 2015
Strategy 2020 and the Federation’s Volunteering Policy 2011 reaffirm volunteering as being fundamental to the organisation’s vision and values. Each National Society depends upon volunteers to help vulnerable people in everyday programs and crisi...
Tags: Report
05 Feb 2018
 Cultural heritage is vulnerable to the adverse impacts of natural disasters, and climate change is adding to the urgency of addressing this challenge. Countries around the world are employing a variety of measures to safeguard cultural heritage aga...
Tags: Report, Earthquake, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness