07 Apr 2015
The European Commission (DG ECHO – Humanitarian aid and civil protection) publication showcases examples of successful resilience projects, i.e. 27 examples of existing best practices from around the world. The key aim of this publication is ...
Tags: Awareness material, Case Study, Livelihoods and Food Security, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
26 Mar 2020
The following documents include the critical functions and services that Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies should incorporate in their Operational Business Continuity Plan. More on the Business Continuity Planning Help Desk
Tags: Guidance material, Business Preparedness
27 Jul 2017
La présente liste de vérification a pour but de donner des orientations aux Sociétés nationales qui souhaitent se préparer à des discussions sur le rôle d’auxiliaire avec les pouvoirs publics. Elle n’est pas exhaustive et vise simplement Ã...
Tags: Guidance material, Training material, Disaster Law