30 Jan 2017
This report published by IRC provides a Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence against Displaced Populations in Urban Crisis and Post-crisis Settings. Most urban refugees and those internally displaced are relocated to already fragile commun...
Tags: Report, Community Engagement and Accountability, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness
05 Jul 2023
Formed over centuries and adapted to local cultures and environments, the term “Traditional Knowledge” refers to the knowledge, practices, and behaviours of indigenous and local communities all around the world. In the context of Disaster Risk Re...
Tags: Guidance material, Urban Preparedness
29 Apr 2021
Communities worldwide have greater opportunities for growth and connectedness than ever before; yet the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is rapidly increasing, especially in coastal cities, leading to increased risk an...
Tags: Guidance material, Community Engagement and Accountability, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness