07 May 2020
The current and predicted global travel restrictions being imposed globally as result of the Covid-19 pandemic is having a significant impact in our surge capacity in times that call for increased support. As a result, alternative ways of working nee...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
18 Oct 2017
Online communication platforms have become a lifeline for millions of people affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts: social media and messaging apps help maintain contact with family and friends, and provide access to information, such as ...
Tags: Guidance material, Report
09 Oct 2020
الرعاية الصحية المجتمعية، بما يتضمّن التوعية والحملات، في سياق جائحة ″كوفيد- 19 “. إرشادات مؤقتة أيار/مايو 2020
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)