27 Jul 2020
Patients with chronic conditions are at higher risk of a severe COVID 19 infection. Therefore, within our health programmes, where we support patients with chronic conditions, strong prevention and supportive measures need to be implemented to reduce...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
25 Mar 2020
Working conditions allow programmes to continue without significant adaptation: there are some security/ health concerns – a situation of heightened security / health awareness is initiated. Check this guide of delegation of responsibilities and as...
Tags: Guidance material, Business Preparedness
27 Jul 2017
La Lista de verificación enumera de manera priorizada y sucinta las diez preguntas clave que los legisladores, funcionarios implementadores, y aquellos que los asisten necesitan considerar a fin de garantizar que sus leyes brinden el mejor apoyo p...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Awareness material, Guidance material, Disaster Law