Indonesia: building bamboo shelters

The International Federations community-based early-recovery programme has supported tens of thousands of quake survivors to take control of their own recovery. With support from trained Red Cross volunteers and students from local universities, affected communities have managed and implemented the construction of more than 14,000 quake-resilient transitional shelters.

The earthquake-resilient shelters are made out of local materials such as bamboo and rope and cost the equivalent of around 185 Swiss francs ($150 USD/ €118). They can be constructed in four to five days and should last up to six years.

Shelter is a critical determinant for survival in the initial stages of a disaster. Beyond survival, shelter is necessary for security and personal safety, protection from the elements and resistance to ill health and disease. The impact of a disaster such as an earthquake or a cyclone can result in the destruction of or damage to existing housing, rendering it uninhabitable, or force people to leave their existing housing and seek alternative shelter elsewhere in the case of floods or warnings of a hurricane.

Related video: Yogyakarta earthquake bamboo shelters:

Related video: Hurricanes - How to build a safer wooden house:

More information:

Year: 2006
Duration: 18 minutes 42 seconds

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