Integrating climate change and urban risks into the VCA

These guidelines have been developed to specifically address two key recommendations that have emerged from the Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) review; these are to provide further guidance to National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on how to: (i) integrate into the existing VCA process and tools, information on the additional risks and vulnerabilities linked to climate change when carrying out a VCA; (ii) ensure that relevant information is included on what needs to be done differently when conducting a VCA in an urban context and on using the existing VCA tools. In addition, these guidelines take into account the other main findings of the VCA review, with clear suggestions on what needs to be done to ensure that an effective VCA is carried out.

The development of these guidelines has followed a highly participatory process and their contents are based on lessons learnt and practical applications from the field. These Guidelines, therefore, bring together IFRC knowledge and practical experience while combining the latest thinking on the application of participatory approaches taking into account the specific challenges linked to climate change and working in urban areas.


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