10 May 2020
Find the following resources about Personal Protective Equipment: MASKS IFRC guidance on the generalised use of cloth face masks during the COVID-19. Languages: EN, SP, FR, AR, PT (1), PT(2), RU. IFRC guidance on the use of face masks during the pand...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
06 Mar 2021
Комплект содержит легкое введение в концепции города, за которым следует серия из шести модулей: Творческое общение, Решения, основанны...
Tags: Guidance material, Training material, Urban Preparedness
05 Jan 2023
In this resource several training material and background documents are made available on the topic of Environmental Emergencies: Part 01: INSARAG guidance, checklists, a number of case studies and presentations.
Tags: Guidance material, Training material, Community Engagement and Accountability