Latin America Risk Reduction Activity

The Colombian Red Cross, in partnership with the American Red Cross and United States Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) is implementing a two-year disaster risk reduction program known as “LARRA” or “Latin America Risk Reduction Activity” in four municipalities in Colombia: Armenia, Calarcá, Córdoba and Salento. The program’s strategic goal is to reduce the number of deaths, injuries and socio-economic impacts caused by disasters by strengthening national Red Cross societies and building safer, more resilient communities in Colombia.  Key activities include:

  • Developing community risk and capacity profiles
  • Developing hazard risk reduction plans
  • Providing training in disaster preparedness, mitigation and management
  • Conducting media campaigns to deliver key risk reduction and preparedness messages
  • Micro-mitigation projects to reduce risks in communities
  • Disaster preparedness activities and education in schools

Video – Brigadista Escuela Boguia, Salento, Proyecto Larra Cruz Roja Colombiana, Video – Proyecto Larra 2 en Colombia,

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