Legislative Advocacy for Disaster Risk Reduction: Guidance Note No. 1

Good legislation can play a critical role in reducing disaster risk. This has always been clear for man-made hazards, such as oil spills, faulty construction, and industrial accidents, all of which can be greatly reduced through well-enforced rules and standards. Natural disasters, on the other hand, have traditionally been thought of as an inevitable fact of life, beyond the scope of human laws.
Table of contents:
1. Key international instruments
  • 1.1 Hyogo Framework for Action
  • 1.2 Human rights instruments
  • 1.3 Red Cross and Red Crescent instruments
2. Legislative advocacy issue areas
  • 2.1 Role of the National Society in disaster risk reduction
  • 2.2 Institutional mechanisms for climate change adaptation
  • 2.3 National platforms
  • 2.4 Defining disaster risk reduction as a primary governmental responsibility
  • 2.5 Risk mapping
  • 2.6 Risk hazard monitoring and decision-making on warnings
  • 2.7 Formulation and dissemination of warnings
  • 2.8 Raising community risk awareness and capacity to react 
  • 2.9 Community participation in decision-making 
  • 2.10 Land management and urban planning
  • 2.11 Building codes
  • 2.12 Funding mechanisms
  • 2.13 Integration into development plans
  • 2.14 Reporting and oversight
  • 2.15 Legal remedies (liability)
  • 3. Sources and further information

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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