30 Jul 2020
The overarching aim of this guidance is to ensure maternity care providers can deliver respectful and individualised antenatal care services that promote the safety of women, families and health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tags: Awareness material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
28 Feb 2016
The RE.bound initiative has been developed by Rockefeller Foundation, Swiss Re, Goldman Sachs and RMS to link risk transfer coverage for cities with financing for resilient infrastructure. The initiative is developing an innovative version of catas...
Tags: Guidance material, Risk Transfer and Disaster Management
21 Aug 2020
This document is based on WHO’s Rational Use of PPE for COVID-19 and Considerations During Severe Shortages. For WHO guidance on the extended use and reuse of PPE, please see: Table 2. Options for temporary measures due to the shortage of Personal ...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)