Nuclear Disaster Guidelines

In order to appropriately respond to nuclear disasters which might happen in the future, the JRCS has clearly defined a code of conduct in the Manual and the Guidelines. For example, in the event of a nuclear disaster, JRCS relief teams conduct relief activities outside “restricted areas” designated by the national and local governments, and a cumulative radiation dose limit for each relief team member during an activity period is set at 1mSv or less.

Furthermore, in order to prepare for ensuring the safety of the responders, the JRCS has provided radiation protective equipment/materials to the National Headquarters, JRCS block representative chapters* and all chapters. The provided items are: digital personal dosimeters (for measuring radiation exposure dose of each responder); ionization box type survey meters (for measuring air dose rate in activity areas); GM survey meters (for measuring body-surface contamination; and protective suits (for preventing radioactive materials from entering the bodies).

* The JRCS chapters and facilities are divided into six blocks (zones). Some types of radiation protective equipment/materials were provided to only block representative chapters.

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