One Billion Coalition for Resilience: DC Showcase and Workshop

On August 26, 2016, the IFRC and American Red Cross hosted a showcase and workshop in support of the 1 Billion Coalition for Resilience (1BC) and invited other actors to learn about and consider joining this initiative to bring a greater focus on community resilience and greater opportunities for direct public participation to the global resilience agenda. 1BC aims to encourage governments, humanitarian organisations, community groups, the private sector, and academia from across the world to collaborate in innovative ways to help communities and businesses to build resilience. Working alongside communities, 1BC establishes a framework to invest in humanitarian actions enabled by technology and to inspire and record individual actions on resilience.

Working together at the showcase and workshop the goal was to:

  • Gain familiarity with the key challenges, ideas, and tools that are driving the One Billion Coalition for Resilience
  • Broaden and diversify the One Billion Coalition, connecting existing campaigns and providing increased opportunities for people and community organizations to engage locally and globally


Connecting Business initiative (UN OCHA), U-Report (UNICEF), HelpNow, America’s PrepareAthon,,,

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