Participatory Video on community adaptation to climate change, Colombia



Communities around the world are exploring new ways to adapt to climate change. Here, for example, we see how the Colombian Red Cross is helping towns affected by coastal erosion and other factors. Would you say that climate change is having an impact on your community?

Location: La Guajira, Colombia
In November 2012, the Colombian Red Cross helped facilitate a participatory video with members of San Tropel, a Wayuú indigenous community located in El Pájaro, La Guajira.
Along with Red Cross volunteers, a group of San Tropel community filmed six examples of how they adapted their livelihoods to the different impacts of climate change.
After editing the video on a participatory approach, it was screened at a different Wayuú village – Fátima – 50 Km away, to promote community-to-community education. 
Following the video screening, there was a debate on the lessons learned and what practices could be adopted locally by the second community. 
A project by IFRC, facilitated by Proplaneta.

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