29 Mar 2017
LA presente Estrategia expresa la determinación colec- tiva de la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja de avanzar en la so- lución de los grandes retos que la humanidad enfrentará en la próxima década.Â...
Tags: Guidance material
11 Aug 2015
Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC), can be an efficient way to deliver services to individuals and families affected by a disaster by bringing together multiple service providers in a single location and providing on-site assistance. This resource i...
Tags: Guidance material, Infrastructure and Services, Livelihoods and Food Security, Post-Disaster Recovery
03 Aug 2015
This publication synthesizes the lessons from past community-based school construction programs and projects around the globe. It provides guidance for engaging communities in mobilisation, planning, design, construction and post-construction mainten...
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, Report, Public Awareness and Public Education