23 Oct 2013
The implementation guide will help you to: decide if CBHFA in action fits with the goals and programs of your National Society; launch, in a step-by-step process, a CBHFA in action program for your National Society and its branches; identify resource...
Tags: Guidance material
13 Dec 2018
Climate & Development Knowledge Network’s (CDKN) guide to communicating climate change offers tips for practitioners to effectively communicate climate change and climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions, with a focus on convinci...
Tags: Case Study, Guidance material, Climate Change Adaptation, Public Awareness and Public Education
27 Apr 2021
The 2021 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop will be 13-14 October, 2021. The Workshop is a technical meeting intended for information sharing among experts. There is no charge to participate. Everyone interested in emergency alert...
Tags: Other type of resource, Early Warning Systems