18 Mar 2015
This document presents IFRC’s initial ideas about how resilience varies between countries. The purpose this is to enable the identification of data gaps required to understand the current levels of household and community resilience. This preli...
Tags: Other type of resource, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
09 Feb 2015
Elizabeth Ferris, Co-Director of the Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement, remarks on the intersection between violence and disasters, and its implications for humanitarian response in urban settings. She cites the experiences and challenge...
Tags: Other type of resource, Infrastructure and Services
13 Oct 2016
The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) in collaboration with the IFRC and American Red Cross has received an award from USAID/OFDA to design and test a set of tools and services to assist Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) National Societies and t...
Tags: Other type of resource, Urban Preparedness