12 Jan 2015
This Integrated Food Security Programme is supported by the Finnish Red Cross“The video shows the experience of the Malawi Red Cross Society that has introduced an integrated food security programme in 2011 as part of their wider food security ...
Tags: Video, Livelihoods and Food Security
03 May 2016
The villages in Northern Belize have a very narrow economic basis, mainly focused on the cane sugar industry and sometimes river or sea fishing. To ensure food and economic security, the Red Cross provides small grants and training to community me...
Tags: Other type of resource, Livelihoods and Food Security, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
12 Jan 2015
World Scientists Urge Key Actions for Achieving Food Security in a Changing Climate http://ccafs.cgiar.org/commission/rep… To achieve food security in a changing climate, the global community must operate within three limits: the quantity of...
Tags: Video, Climate Change Adaptation, Livelihoods and Food Security