19 Nov 2020
This case study describes how the data and results of the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) were presented to and discussed with members of communities targeted by the Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Program of the Philippin...
Tags: Case Study, Report, Community Engagement and Accountability, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment
19 May 2016
The number of those affected by disasters, natural or otherwise, has steadily increased over the years. In 2016, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) predicts that 125.3 million people will be in need of human...
Tags: Guidance material, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness
20 Mar 2023
Join us for a webinar series on Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) & Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Programming hosted by IFRC Africa DRR and CEA teams! The series will be split into three consecutive...
Tags: Video, Community Engagement and Accountability