Stay Safe – Health and Safety on Reconstruction Sites

What is the scope of this guidance?

These guidelines provide an essential preparatory and operative checklist for health and safety control on small reconstruction sites. They are intended to help reduce and avoid manageable risks, and to guarantee the health and safety of all people working under staff supervision, from consultants to those affected by a disaster. The topics are listed according to their importance for the prevention and reduction of accidents and impact upon the minimization of negative health consequences.

Who is this guidance for?

The International Federation works increasingly in natural disasters and in complex and rapidly changing political and social environments. In such contexts, promoting awareness of basic safety measures is important to ensure the safety and well-being of all Red Cross and Red Crescent personnel, whether they are Federation-employed delegates, staff-on-loan, local staff during working hours, volunteers working with the International Federation, visitors, consultants or family members accompanying delegates. The focus of this guidance is on sharing good practice for the management of small building sites, aiming at improving the health and safety practices of small communities, to reflect, simplify, and apply the professional practice to local community interventions.

‘Stay safe: Heath and Safety on Reconstruction Sites’, together with the accompanying IFRC publication ‘International first aid and resuscitation guidelines 2016’ provides the necessary tools to implement and maintain a basic safety framework adaptable to any specific context.

To consult the guidance, please download the document down below.

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