Technology Intervention and Policy Impact for DRR, Nilwala River, Sri Lanka, 2014, University of Peradeniya

This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by the University of Peradeniya in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Resilience Institute and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center



Pilot studies were conducted in the Ambagahawela paddy track of the Nilwala basin in southern Sri Lanka from April through December 2014 as an extension of a project of the University of Peradeniya, University of Ruhuna, and Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) in an adjacent track. The project identified communities that face increasing floods and drought downstream of the Nilwala flood protection scheme in an ecosystem degraded by manmade flood protection structures. With the Matara Red Cross, three on-site training and awareness building programs were conducted on agricultural technologies to enhance the protective functions of the Nilwala paddy ecosystem to withstand climate-change related hazards. First aid demonstrations were done by with the Matara Red Cross. A local management committee monitored the project for policy impact.

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