Thank Your Heroes

There are a lot of heroes helping us stay safe right now. Let’s thank them for helping us!

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Related Resources

Awareness material
13 Oct 2020
Join the conversation to learn more about the importance of a voluntary, safe blood supply and the lessons learned in combating blood shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic. بادر بالانضمام إلى المحادثة للتعرف على ال...
Tags: Awareness material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Guidance material
11 Jun 2020
Las emergencias sanitarias afectan de manera distinta a mujeres, hombres, niñas, niños, adolescentes y personas LGBTIQ+. Reconocerlo es clave para asegurar una respuesta humanitaria más eficaz y pertinente centrada en las personas y sensible al g...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Women and Gender in Disaster Management
Guidance material
03 Jul 2020
The IFRC’s Minimum standards for protection, gender, and inclusion (PGI) in emergencies is now in its second edition. This edition is the result of three years of testing, revision and feedback from protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) and sector...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Women and Gender in Disaster Management
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