20 Mar 2015
Since the December 2013 ash eruption of the Chaparratique Volcano in El Salvador, the communities located at its base have been working hard to reestablish themselves and recover from the shocks and stresses caused by the event. Today, these communit...
Tags: Video, Volcano, Youth Disaster Preparedness
03 Feb 2015
In 2014 Liberia suffered a deadly outbreak of Ebola that spread quickly throughout the country and claimed the lives of more than three thousand people. Although recent weeks have seen a considerable drop in the number of confirmed Ebola cases, Liber...
Tags: Video, Communicable Disease
17 Apr 2015
A fire is both frightening and destructive. Fires are a danger to buildings and residents in equal measure. Keep your cool in the event of a fire by following these SAFE STEPS! Thai , Vietnamese, Malaysia , Chinese –mandarin, Indonesian, Tagalog, C...
Tags: Video, House Fire