The Missing Piece of NIMS: Teaching Incident Commanders How to Function in the Edge of Chaos

An article by Cynthia Renaud, police chief in Folsom, California, on how to strengthen the National Incident Management System (NIMS) by integrating solutions for managing complexity. The article explores the dynamics of the initial edge-of-chaos that characterizes the first phase of every large-scale incident and offers recommendations for additions to NIMS that will better prepare first-responding incident commanders to work their way through that chaos and later apply the NIMS process with purpose.


Source: Homeland Secutiry Affairs, The Journal of the NPS Center for Homeland Defense and Security, June 2012.

The Missing Piece of NIMS: Teaching Incident Commanders How to Function in the Edge of Chaos

The Missing Piece of NIMS: Teaching Incident Commanders How to Function in the Edge of Chaos

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