15 Jun 2015
“We believe this [An Executive Business Case for Climate Resilience] is important because the business community can be more agile than governments. It can move quickly to assess risk, promote systems and technology, and set standards for resil...
Tags: Report, Business Preparedness, Climate Change Adaptation
26 May 2016
Article by Pablo Suarex, who works with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, on unusual options for communicating climate risks and humanitarian work, including through collaboration with artists. Source: Pablo Suarez, 2016. Climate Risks, Art...
Tags: Awareness material, Climate Change Adaptation, Public Awareness and Public Education
07 Mar 2015
The advance of the agricultural frontier and inadequate agricultural practices have contributed to environmental degradation in the sub-watersheds of the Tapacalí and Inalí rivers in the department de Madriz, Nicaragua. Meanwhile, a lack of knowle...
Tags: Case Study, Climate Change Adaptation, Drought, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Wildfire